First, observe. Sometimes to the point of stubbornness, always, no matter, whether it is the world around me, scents, a loving whisper, a fabric, a fit of laughter, a reminiscence, a melody or you or the one who passes by, who enters the workshop, ... I love using my gaze, my feelings and my emotions as a prism that collects the precious essence of all these observations and gives birth to the "beauty" as it is built and refined over the years in my inner self.

Each work draws its strength from the constant application of classical artistic techniques and the use of contemporary tools or materials that are expanded and enriched over time. An experience that gradually constitutes a true signature, a true DNA. Each painting is the subject of sketchbook drawings, sometimes carried out over several years. Everything or almost everything since the Boulle school is recorded and carefully recorded in the notebooks.

The line always serene, I never work in a laborious way, I want to be both technical & spontaneous, overflowing & ordered. Demanding, my works must beyond the "applied" side, give us pleasure, make you smile, amuse me, move you, unburden me... And if you perceive it, fill your head & heart with the "beauty" that animates me.
Some dates
Route (+)
- Boulle School, Applied Arts, Paris XII
- Duperré School, Paris III
- 1995, first exhibition
- 2003, arrival in Brittany and presentation of works in galleries and exhibitions (France, Europe).
- 2007, Installation of the workshop in Auray (Brittany)
Exhibitions (+)
Contemporary art fairs and galleries
Paris, Luxembourg, Brussels, Metz, Mulhouse...Pont-Aven, Paris, Liège, Lyon, Geneva, Toulouse...Private collections
United States - Japan - Belgium - Switzerland - United Kingdom - New Zealand - United Arab Emirates - Russia…
A big thank you
How can I express this inner purr when I take thirty seconds to realize that my paintings are all over the world, in private collections and that they accompany the daily lives of people with whom I shared at one time, a beautiful and rich encounter. Thank you, to you and to you too and to all of you who hang pieces of my heart in the four corners of the planet.