Around Art...

Hilma Af Klint, à la découverte d'une pionnière de l'art abstrait

Hilma Af Klint, discovering a pioneer of abstra...

A dive into the heart of a female painter, ahead of her time: Hilma Af Klint, pioneer of contemporary abstraction.

Hilma Af Klint, discovering a pioneer of abstra...

A dive into the heart of a female painter, ahead of her time: Hilma Af Klint, pioneer of contemporary abstraction.

À la découverte du "National Museum of women in the arts, NMWA, Washington

Discovering the National Museum of Women in the...

The National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA), a fascinating dive into the heart of art history, written by women.

Discovering the National Museum of Women in the...

The National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA), a fascinating dive into the heart of art history, written by women.

Parcours de femme artiste peintre : Suzanne Valadon

Career of a female painter: Suzanne Valadon

A very good year for the artist Suzanne Valadon, with an exhibition at the Pompidou Center and a graphic novel that retraces her unique and free journey.

Career of a female painter: Suzanne Valadon

A very good year for the artist Suzanne Valadon, with an exhibition at the Pompidou Center and a graphic novel that retraces her unique and free journey.

La sécession Viennoise ou l'Art Total

The Viennese Secession or Total Art

Find out in this article why the Viennese Secession was a major artistic movement that still influences many artists today.

The Viennese Secession or Total Art

Find out in this article why the Viennese Secession was a major artistic movement that still influences many artists today.

Lalou expose ses Oeuvres à Art Vienna 2024

Lalou exhibits his works at Art Vienna 2024

In this first newsletter, Lalou tells us what it was like to have her work selected for Art Vienna 2024.

Lalou exhibits his works at Art Vienna 2024

In this first newsletter, Lalou tells us what it was like to have her work selected for Art Vienna 2024.